Welcome at our genealogy homepage, where we now have almost 30,000 names waiting for you...

The fact that you’re here on this page probably means that you’ve got the same hobby as we do: genealogy. For a few years now we’ve been busy tracking and charting both our own ancestors as well as -sometimes- those of our friends.

‘We’ are Cees Tinbergen and Ingrid Tinbergen-Meijerink. Both of us are born and bred in Amsterdam, but we’ve been living in the province of Utrecht for about 20 years now. We have four children (who’ve almost all reached adulthood by now), two cats and seven fish.

Genealogy kind of ‘happened’ to us some time ago. Soon we got addicted, for as you undoubtedly know: one answer raises, at the same time, five more questions!
Most of our ancestors originate from the Dutch provinces Gelderland, Utrecht, North-Holland and South-Holland, although there are also branches to Germany and France. And, since the 19th century, the family branches out to many parts of the world: Great Britain, the United States, Germany, Switzerland, Australia and Canada.

Apart from burying ourselves in far-from-dusty archives, we also use the World Wide Web to find more information and to make contacts with other genealogists. To give others the opportunity to look at our data we’ve made an index of all persons who are currently part of our data file.

The individuals are ordered by (family)name. Click on the FIRST LETTER of the family name (or patronymic) and you will get to see a list of family names followed by the given name with after that the date of birth or christening, plus the place thereof, if known of course. We’ve put no data on the net from persons born after 1913 (except for the names themselves), in order to safeguard living people's privacy. This is in line with practice in the Dutch public archives.

From many people we have more data than mentioned in the list, so if you found someone you’ve been looking for and you want more information, please send us an email. We might be able to help you, and who knows, perhaps you can help us too!

We hope you’ll have fun searching and we’d like to wish you a lot of success in finding what you’re looking for. Greetings,

Cees and Ingrid Tinbergen

Btw.: we’re always open for suggestions, please e-mail us if there’s anything you’d like to tell or ask us.
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