Introduction to Ancestors

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On the following pages you will find the ancestors of the grandparents of both Ingrid as well as Cees, eight in total. They may be interesting to just look at, but in case you are looking for one or more specific names, reading through all of them is not the most convenient way. To solve this, we have added a small search engine.

The ancestors of the following persons are available to look at:

The grandparents of Cees Tinbergen:
Simon Cornelis Tinbergen
Susanna Jacomina de Jong
Cornelis Breevaart
Adriana Maria van Straaten

The grandparents of Ingrid Meijerink:
Antonie Meijerink
Elisabeth te Winkel
Marinus van Klingeren
Wilhelmina Martina de Klerk

Would you like to have more information on a specific person? Then just send us e-mail; it is quite possible that we know more!
Should you, on the other hand, have information (places and/or dates of birth, christening or marriage) which is not reflected in our ancestor tables, we would of course also like to hear this from you. Please e-mail us!

The ancestors tables are built up in the usual way. To find the father of a specific person, multiply his/her reference number by 2, to find the mother do the same and add 1. Example: The father of person number 21 is number 42, two times 21, and the mother has number 43 (two times 21 plus 1).

[search engine]